3 Reasons to Join TradeLinx in 2024

Are you ready to forge a path in the skilled trades or construction industry? The TradeLinx program at the Labour Education Centre is your key to unlocking a career filled with opportunities and growth. Here are three compelling reasons why TradeLinx is the perfect program for aspiring tradespeople in Ontario.

TradeLinx Now Recruiting for Winter 2024

The Labour Education Centre is thrilled to begin recruiting a new cohort for its TradeLinx program. This 12-week sector-focused pre-apprenticeship training program is for Ontario Works (OW) recipients who are interested in a career in the skilled trades/construction industry. Our next TradeLinx group will begin in Winter 2024. The TradeLinx program is open to any individuals between the […]

Next TradeLinx Cohort Launches Fall 2023

The Labour Education Centre is thrilled to begin recruiting a new cohort of its TradeLinx program. This 12-week sector-focused pre-apprenticeship training program is for Ontario Works (OW) recipients who are interested in a career in the skilled trades/construction industry. Our next TradeLinx group will begin in Fall 2023.

TradeLinx is Now Recruiting

LEC is pleased to open a new cohort of its TradeLinx pre-apprentice training program for Ontario Works (OW) recipients who are interested in a career in the skilled trades/construction industry. Learn more about the program and send us your application. 

Meet the TradeLinx Team at LEC

The team at LEC is here to help TradeLinx program participants as they work to build their careers in the skilled trades and construction industry. Meet some of our staff and get to know them before you enroll today!

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